Monday, 27 May 2013

Pageau, Pageau, Pageau, Pageau!!!

Pageau. A small French Canadian from Gatineau. Who would have ever suspected he would be the hero of a game - a Playoff game. I suppose that's a lesson to never judge a book by its cover. When 20 year old Pageau stepped onto the ice, I'm sure the Montreal Canadians didn't think much of him. Neither did the crowd. A tiny little player called up to finish off the year- no one would suspect too much. Many other players have been called up and have done a considerable job. However they never really stood out or made miraculous plays. Pageau would change this. Not only was game three of this series filled with passion and fantastic hockey, but it was a shocker for so many Ottawa fans; maybe even the Ottawa Senators themselves. For Pageau did not only score his first playoff goal ever, he didn't score twice even. He scored an unbelievable Hat-Trick. 3 goals. And might I add, they were beautiful. He didn't score "garbage goals", he made three beautiful plays that resulted in three jaw dropping goals. Th crowd, equally as astonished as Pageau, littered the ice with their hats and filled the arena with cheers and whistles. My favorite cheer was the rewriting of the Canadians famous cheer "Ole, Ole, Ole, Ole", replacing Ole with Pageau. A the Montreal fans would sing this in the third period to taunt the visiting team if they were losing. Finally the game was over and Pageau was given the first star. His teammates even greeted him at the door of the dressing room, high fiving him and shouting his name. The Pageau chant echoed through the halls of ScotiaBank place as happy Sens fans celebrated their victory.
So what was that old saying? Never judge a book by its cover? Well, for the most part I have to agree. But at the same time, isn't it nice to be surprised once in a while? If we had hired a superstar player who scored a hat trick, would it be the same? I think a lot of the joy and amazement came from the fact that the underdog, the small Rookie from Gatineau became the hero of the game. Even the series. So maybe it's okay to judge or expect less sometimes. You might just be surprised.

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